Staunton Grocery is a high end restaurant in downtown Staunton that serves all local food. They currently do not serve any Polyface food, but this is not because they do not like our products. From what I hear from some inside patrons, the restaurant focuses of supporting those farms that are small and/or starting. Since Polyface has grown enough, the restaurant decided to support others which would allow for their growth. I think its a great idea. What a mission... helping small farms to grow.
The food was wonderful!! I started with a Sea Scallop, followed by a Lamb dish, ending with Carrot Cake. I had a Pilsner with dinner from Germany?? I can't remember every detail but you get the hint... delicious. Other entrées included pork and fettucini with goat cheese.
The Split Banana is an ice cream parlor also located downtown near Staunton Grocery. It has become a favorite for the Salatins and all other ice cream lovers at the farm... Andy being one of them. I'm not really fond of ice cream, but I do like a good shake and they can make one of those. Being a big fan of Milk, I got a Cream flavored shake. Ingredients: Two scoops of Cream Ice Cream, and whole milk... yummmmm. (Not Raw Milk... thats illegal silly... thanks again USDA for saving my life. What would we do without the government saving us all day. I guess we would probably THRIVE. Can you smell the sarcasm?)
Anyway... here I am with my shake.

And here is a picture of the rest of the gang. Thanks for the nice evening everyone!!

Hey Grady,
From left to right in that last picture I know who the 1st 3 and last are... is that Sherry and (guessing) the new apprentice?
If you find this before Andy leaves tell him I said I'll video tape you cleaning a chicken in 15 seconds and send it to him. Ha!
See you in June!
That is Amy, Sheri's sister, and Nathan Vergen, past apprentice who now runs the rental farm Greenmont and is engaged to Amy. I'll tell Andy... he leaves tomorrow.
See you in June as well.
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